Slut Shamed by Coach

Coach Lovecraft has asked Rachel to attend a one to one meeting before the latest practice. However this is no ordinary appraisal but of a much more personal nature. When Rachel is confronted with the fact that she has been cheating with Lovecraft's boyfriend, she brazenly shrugs it off and denies everything. Further questioning and evidence finally brings a response from Rachel that it is not her fault... and she doesn't care that it has upset her coach with such deceitful behavior. How can Lovecraft trust this little slut to perform with this knowledge? This has to stop... and she decides to teach this cheerleader slut a lesson she won't forget by shaming and spanking her. It is a very personal punishment, and Rachel doesn't like the way she is being spanked at all. She is told to open her legs, because that's what she does so well, and it is naturally humiliating. Coach wants Rachel to feel the same shame and hurt that she has felt and spanks this hussy on her bare bottom, grabbing her ass and pulling her hair all the while reminding her of what a nasty little slut she is. The punishment ends with a leather paddling whilst leg locked and the verbal humiliation continues until coach can't stand to be near her anymore, throwing her to the floor in disgust. Rachel is going to have to earn the respect and trust of Lovecraft if she is to remain as a member of the best cheerleading squad in the state! Join now!

Seductive Slut Spanked and Strapped

Veronica has been called in from practice to see Head Cheer Coach Lake who had heard disturbing rumors about his star cheerleader. The reason for the meeting becomes clear when he tells her that he has verified disturbing rumors from other members of the squad... Veronica has been going through the football team, using them for her own selfish sexual needs. This has caused a rift between some players and disturbed the wellbeing of the team and the cheerleading squad. So Coach Lake decides she needs a good old fashioned spanking, it's how they deal with things at this school! Watch sexy Veronica take her position reluctantly over his lap as he spanks her hard over her panties and, of course, with them pulled down when she refuses to show any contrition for her behavior. Now Veronica starts to feel embarrassed when his hard hand smacks her bare bouncing cheeks further. However, the punishment is far from over as he places her in a position bent over, bottom out, on the sofa. This is for a final, mean 20 swats of leather from the school's Reformatory Strap. Do not miss this film, featuring Veronica Weston, as one of our hottest cheerleaders to have ever been spanked. Join now!

Stop Cheering Start Cleaning

Audrey returns home to find that the apartment, and in particular... the kitchen is an absolute state. Nothing has been cleared up and it is all due to her lazy roommate, Skylar, who is more interested in her cheerleading than being considerate. Her selfish behavior pushes Audrey over the edge who reminds the lazy cheer girl that she'd punish her as she saw fit if she found the apartment looking like a pigsty again. Skylar only cares about herself and laughs at Audrey's threats to discipline her until she is dragged over the chair and given a spanking. Skylar is in shock as her tight cheer panties are pulled down. She is scolded and spanked hard on her bare bottom. She isn't feeling so bold and clever now as her bare cheeks feel like they are on fire... it's embarrassing and humiliating to be treated like the naughty brat she knows deep down that she is. Maybe she'll think twice in the future about annoying her house proud roommate, as she has time to reflect on that, being told to clean up her own mess... with her bare, sore, red bottom on full display. Join now!

Ten Learns Respect

Assistant Coach, Harley Havik, has been left in charge of the squad while Johnny Lake is away. She wants to make a good impression so is determined that the girls will respect her and continue to do well in his absence. The practice routines and discipline that every girl is well aware of makes for a winning mentality. All of the girls respect this except one... that foolish girl is Ten Amorette. She thinks she can sass Harley and give her a hard time when the cane wielding Head Coach is not around! Oh dear... how wrong Ten is when she crosses Harley once too often. Harley takes absolutely no crap from Ten and she leg locks the hapless cheer girl, spanking her hard over the knee. Ten continues to answer back, wriggles and struggles, even with her panties pulled down as the spankings get harder. Harley finally snaps when Ten tries to throw her regulation panties onto her face... she humiliates the cheer girl with a harder hand spanking, partially leg locked, and pinned down with her legs spread to humiliate and subdue her. This punishment ends with some hard swats of the wooden paddle that finally has Ten compliant and behaving. Any girl that doesn't respect the chain of command is out of the squad! Ten realizes this a little too late to save her bottom from a very sore encounter with Assistant Coach Harley Havik's hard hand and trusty wooden paddle! Join now!

Five Trouble Makers Paddled

Previously... the five volleyball girls had been spanked by the two team coaches. However, their sassy behavior is still evident and their coaches, Alex Reynolds and Adriana Evans decide that each girl will receive five swats from each with a stiff wooden paddle. Veronica is first and isn't happy at being chosen to be paddled in front of the other girls. The giggling starts to subside over time as the realization that this painful punishment really does get through to them all, one by one, as their poor bare bottoms are given a total of ten swats each from the coaches. Watch their bottoms paddled hard as their already sore red bottoms are displayed for all to see. As in the previous spanking film, the five volleyball girls are: Apricot Pitts, Misty Lovelace, Maddy Marks, Ashley Lane and Veronica Weston. What's there not to like watching these stunning young ladies getting a hard paddling punishment from their female volleyball coaches? Join now!

Five Trouble Makers Spanked

Five volleyball girls get into deep trouble with their two team coaches. They are the absolute worst behaved girls in the entire squad structure and a few of these young madams think they are indispensible to the team. How wrong they are! Their poor behavior is inexcusable; fighting, sabotage of rival teams sports outfits, bullying, turning up late for practice and not playing to their best abilities... the list goes on and on. These five girls think it's all one big joke! Well, they are in for a big surprise as both Coach Alex Reynolds and Adriana Evans decide that all of them will receive hard hand spankings. Not only that but all the spankings will be carried out in front of each other and over the lap of each coach with their bare, jiggling bottoms on full display. This is most humiliating and for some girls it's also highly embarrassing. This is the discipline they should have had an age ago and it shows! Watch their bottoms turn red with shame as both coaches punish each of the girls in turn. The Five are: Apricot Pitts, Misty Lovelace, Maddy Marks, Ashley Lane and Veronica Weston. In part two of this long discipline film... the Five will also receive multiple swats of a stiff wooden paddle from each coach! Join now!

Broken Rules Busted Bottom

Before today's practice session, Elori has been called in by her coach (Casey Calvert) for a quick meeting. Elori has no idea that coach has found out she has been seeing practically the entire football team, and one of the most important rules is, "No boys!" - So when coach calls out her slutty behavior, Elori's heart sinks as she is told that she will be spanked for this infraction. She should know better as this is how this squad deals with rule breakers. It's a sexy sight to behold as Elori goes over the hot coach's lap for a hand spanking, first over her tight cheer panties, then on her bare reddening bottom! It's quite humiliating for Elori as she is scolded for being such a slut and reminded that even some of the best girls in the squad need to remember their place in the bigger picture of things. the hand spanking progresses to a hairbrush used across her now sore cheeks as Elori is constantly reminded that rule breakers and slutty behavior are not tolerated. It's embarrassing for the poor girl to endure and she can not wait to get back to practice and be a productive member of the cheer squad once more! Join now!

Spanked by Mom Caned by Coach

Delta has been told by Mommy that she is not going to cheer practice that evening. Unknown to her, Coach Johnny Lake is on his way round as he is fed up with Delta's poor behavior and has informed her mother of the situation. When Delta is confronted by her coach before her mother, things turn nasty as she denies being disruptive and disrespectful. Mother knows best and decides that she needs to be spanked in front of the coach while Delta is aware that he has brought his cane around for further discipline after the spanking. It's embarrassing for Delta, being spanked by Mommy in front of her coach who watches her bare bottom spanked by the hard, maternal hand. he then takes over, as Delta is embarrassed and cries during her spanking. It's an emotional spanking, as a very tearful Delta is then told to bend over the sofa to receive 12 hard strokes of the cane. Coach lake does not hold back and this is a thorough punishment! At the end, Coach reminds that the spanking by mother should continue later that evening! Join now!

A Caning for Amy

Amy Fox makes her debut at Cheerleader Spankings as one very sassy, naughty brat who has been told to report to the new school principal, Mr. Stamp. She has been sent to him by the teaching staff and her coach for repeatedly answering back. This also includes her continuing poor attitude and disruptive behavior in both classes and on the training field. The latest incident during practice where she has upset her fellow squad members with her lack of teamwork has meant she now appears for a Disciplinary with The Principal! She has been spanked multiple times this past week and only the head of the educational establishment, Michael Stamp, is allowed to use the cane. Being from the "old country" he is well versed in the use of rattan against a miscreant's bare bottom. He soon realizes why she has been so much trouble when she answers him back, not respecting the authority or seriousness of the situation... well, that is all about to change. Amy is placed over the desk and is told to slowly and deliberately ask, thank and then ask for another cane stroke. To add to her humiliation, she is to receive three sets of "six of the best" with a brief break for reflection before the punishment continues. The caning is hard, calculated and quickly marks her bottom with telltale welts across her full soft buttocks. Of course, Amy deserves all eighteen before she starts to finally learn her lesson. Practice will be difficult after this caning, but that is where she is sent to show that she can behave and be a valued team player once more! Join now!

Spanked For Streaking

Lily has returned home with her mother after what was supposed to be a celebration as her school cheer squad had won The Regionals. Instead, she has returned home in total shame! Lily got so carried away with victory that her wild celebrations went too far as she stripped off, flaunting herself, first topless then with her skirt removed! Mother was shocked and embarrassed that Lily had shown such disrespect to her, the family... and above all to Lily herself. She had watched the boys and even some fathers leering at her toned daughter's bared body! Mommy scolds her daughter about that appalling lack of disrespect and reminds her what happens when she misbehaves. So Lily takes an old fashioned spanking over mommy's lap, and it isn't long before Lily feels ashamed. She is reminded that this time, a bare bottom spanking will only do, since she was so eager to strip off with her lewd streaking show earlier! Now the daughter starts to realize the error of her ways as the hand spankings gets meaner until mommy shows her the hairbrush. She makes her daughter to ask her to use the hairbrush on her bare bottom... how humiliating is that? Poor Lily cries out in pain, feeling embarrassed and the pain of the "thwack" of the nasty, relentless hairbrush spanking. Lily learns a valuable lesson in humility and decorum as she is reminded that no daughter of hers will shame her like this - ever again! Join now!